On Tue Jan 30, 2001 at 03:35:49PM -0800, Tib wrote:

> I've had this problem as well, with the news and mail folders. What I've
> noticed is that in both of those folders, the logs are stored as 'news.crit,
> mail.warn, etc' and have no .log extension - and I think this is causing
> problems, because you'll end up with things like
> 'mail.info.1.gz.1.gz.2.gz.2.gz.1.gz.1.gz.1.gz.....etc' - this is where the mass
> quantities of files comes from. The flaw in this logic is that there are a
> couple log files in the /var/log/ directory that DON'T have this problem even
> though they don't have a .log extension... [shrug]. Best thing to do I guess is
> update the rpm as people have noted.. it's what I'm doing. :]

No, the file name has absolutely nothing to do with it.  Once you
upgrade logrotate, you'll notice the file names are the same yet the
problem is gone.  The problem is with logrotate, not the logs

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