Here's my two bits. First off, the warnings about hosing your monitor 
don't apply as much as they used to. These days, monitors are smart 
enough to notice that if a particular refresh rate or scanmode is too 
much for it to display it will blank the screen and tell you as such.

But go ahead, plug in the new monitor. Any generic KDS or above will be 
able to deal with the specs in the XF86Config for the old one.

If you want a half way decent set of specs to use that should give you 
85Hz refresh at 1024x768, use these. They've been safe on every 17" 
monitor or larger I've come across in the last 2 years. You may want to 
go runlevel 3 just to test if you're the cautious type.  : )

In your /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file, find these lines and replace them 
with the values I have here.

HorizSync 39.0 - 78.5
VertRefresh 50.0 - 120.0

Your new monitor manual should tell you exactly what the min and max 
are, but these are conservative enough to work most anywhere and still 
look good.


Tom wrote:

> On Friday 02 February 2001 12:47 am, Joseph Red wrote:
>> Just fyi, sometimes win9x *wiil* mess up.  Especially if you go from
>> a new, big, spiffy monitor to an old 14".  You end up booting in safe
>> mode. 
>    Windoze runs any monitor on the low end.  don't believe that?. pull 
> up the various 'monitor.inf's in a text editor.  Most all monitors are 
> spec'd in 'monitor.inf'.  'monitor2.inf thru 7 somethin', only deal 
> with strange, different, exotic, etc hardware.  Bottom line is windoze 
> runs an Ilyama the same way it runs a MagView.  High end/low end, they 
> all get the same treatment from Billy.
>> As for X, I'd choose a low-end
>   I agree,  just about anything, even the $150 17" I bought recently 
> will do " 1024x768 @ 70 hz "  Bottom line is that your video is a 
> product of your monitor/video card (or integrated chipset)/ 
> motherboard/ etc.  dwelling on the monitors specs is mostly pointless.

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