On Saturday 03 February 2001 09:57 am, you wrote:
> You have reinstalled kde2.1 on a clean install of 7.2?  OK, try this:
> Delete your .kderc, do an rm -rf on your $HOME/.kde directory, and then
> delete everything in your $HOME/tmp AND as root delete everything in the
> system /tmp directory.
> Reboot (actually rebooting may be overkill but be radical).  Login.  At
> this point you get the default kde session.  Open kcontrol.  It SHOULD be
> working now.

I hope there is somebody who will try this one for me.  I just deleted  the 
temp/kde-alluserswithoutworkingkcontrol/ksycoca files and logged out and in.  
Kde rebuilt the ksycoca files (probably using kbuildsycoca) and now kcontrol 
works for all users.  I also deleted one user $HOME/.kde directory but I 
don't think that had anything to do with the fix.  I want to test it by 
crashing kcontrol again but I'm having problems doing that.  Maybe it's fixed 
good this time or maybe it'll crash again.

But until then would someone with a broken kcontrol please try deleting the 
temp/kde-alluserswithoutworkingkcontrol/ksycoca files and log out and in and 
see if it fixes kcontrol?

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