Hi all,  6 Feb 2001
  I have a habit of making things hard for myself:-(
Yesterday, I was playing with hdparm to put my 2 drives to sleep as I was just doing 
lengthly reading on the net.
My current info is: hda1 is a fujitsu 2GB with Win95
                    hdc6 is a Maxtor 10GB with Mandrake7.2
Dual boot, P1-200, 128MB, 4MB ATI, SCSI card, SBAWE64(doesn't work with LM) and 
ethernet card.  Default bootup init 5
Using WindowMaker

What I did was su'd to root, 
hdparm -Y /dev/hda1 (drive shut down properly)
hdparm -Y /dev/hdc6 (drive shut down properly)
changed desktop and everything froze solid.
did a hard reset and let it reboot, it droped me to a shell.
I did e2fsck /dev/hdc6 (/ ) said y to missing inodes as I usually do:-?
e2fsck /dev/hdc7       (/home)
e2fsck /dev/hdc8       (/usr)
exit to reboot

then ... aaaargh ...
it went through the usual bootup stuff with [OK] until http.
http said [OK] but the next one xfs I think said it was loading but nothing more 
So I rebooted again with boot: Linux 1 for single user
This got me in. so I cd /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/ and start running startup scripts by hand and 
all went fine till the one after (http script), it stalls.
I CTRL-C and try other scripts, all scripts including the ones that worked a second 
ago stall.  From experimenting I found that if I kill minilogd all the scripts will 
again work and I can load all of them by hand.
Where and why does minilogd come from and what does it do?
Any suggestions on how to get it to boot by itself again?  It has been working since 
Oct 2000.

Things I have tried so far:
  rpm -U --force initscripts.....rpm
  rpm -U --force apache.........rpm
  rpm -U --force xfs ........ rpm

Thank you in advance.

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