On Wed, Feb 07, 2001 at 07:10:49AM +0100, Joseph Markham wrote:
> Dear Friends
> I've got a Matrox G200 8Mb AGP video card on my PC with LM 7.2 installed.
> When I try to run an openGL games such as Quake, the game starts but crashes soon 
>after. I've tried Xfree 3.3.6 and Xfree 4.0 as a server but to no avail. I've tried 
>other openGL games with the same result.
> Any ideas how to check my openGL installation? and what's wrong?
> Joseph
> Tel/Fax +356 - 451979
> Mobile +356 - 79 - 451979
> http://markhamj.freeyellow.com/

Have you checked Loki's site for FAQ's on opengl or 3d in general? Their 3d
setup instructions are pretty thorough. Sorry, I don't have the url at hand,
but it is pretty easy to find if you go to http://www.lokigames.com

Might at least help you narrow down where the problem is.

Chris and Yoshiko Spackman

[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Japanese)


gratuitous quote:
"I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or
numbered. My life is my own."
-The Prisoner

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