one note on kmail, although its a great mailer, it cant tell you which folder 
has new mail (aside from the increment). it just tells you "You have Mail" 
ps. i've applied mailfilters.
it would be nice if there was a summary of the number of mails delivered to 
which mail folder. 0.02c

> Apparently the behavior I described only applies to Kmail which has an
> unfortunate default setting.  Time for a plug for Kmail.  The version
> supplied with 7.2 does everything I want a mailer to do.  The filtering to
> separate folders works really fine.  I have each mailgroup I subscribe to
> sent to a separate inbox, and thus I can see at a glance (by the regullar
> inbox counts) when mail from a friend, etc. arrives.

 .--.  Lemuel C. Tomas                        office://+63.2.894.3592/
( () ) Q Linux Solutions, Inc.              
 `--\\ A Philippine Open Source Solutions Co.

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