Most projectors I've seen have limited resolution & refresh rates.  I
imagine the LCD on your laptop is set to higher values, and the projector
can't handle it.  Drop your res down to 640x480 (painful, I know) and 60hz
to test.  Or you could find out the specs & actually make them right.  I
don't know how you would set up Xwindows to switch between the two.  At
worst you could create 2 X config files & rename them depending on which
display you're using.

Joseph Red

----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter Spotts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 08, 2001 5:32 AM
Subject: [expert] URGENT - Problems with a laptop projector linked to Linux


I'm scheduled to give a Star Office power-point like presentation and
tested my Linux laptop with a projector designed for such presentations.
During the boot-up process, my screen -- complete with cute Linux penguin
-- appeared on the silver screen, prompting me to shout Yipee! But when I
moved into KDE desktop, the image on the silver screen disappeared and up
popped a lost-signal error message from the projector. That suggested to
me that the computer sees the projector just fine, but X-windows does
not. I tried running some of the slides for the presentation, thinking
the presentation software would do the trick, but still nothing appeared.

Anyone out there know if XF86Config [or some other file] wants to see a
separate setting for such outboard devices? Does this imply the need for
a special driver? If so, what should I tweak or where can I find the
driver? I'm doing this gig 2/14 and 2/15, so any ideas would be
appreciated -- quickly!

Best regards,

Pete Spotts

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