Peter Spotts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Folks,
> I'm scheduled to give a Star Office power-point like presentation and 
> tested my Linux laptop with a projector designed for such presentations. 
> During the boot-up process, my screen -- complete with cute Linux penguin 
> -- appeared on the silver screen, prompting me to shout Yipee! But when I 
> moved into KDE desktop, the image on the silver screen disappeared and up 
> popped a lost-signal error message from the projector. That suggested to 
> me that the computer sees the projector just fine, but X-windows does 
> not. I tried running some of the slides for the presentation, thinking 
> the presentation software would do the trick, but still nothing appeared. 
> Anyone out there know if XF86Config [or some other file] wants to see a 
> separate setting for such outboard devices? Does this imply the need for 
> a special driver? If so, what should I tweak or where can I find the 
> driver? I'm doing this gig 2/14 and 2/15, so any ideas would be 
> appreciated -- quickly!

depends upon your laptop, but not likely.

more likely - what resolution do you run in x on your laptop?

Is it higher than the projector can handle?

I'm betting it is.  Drop to a lower res in x (control-alt-'-', as I recall - 
assuming you've got a lower-res entry in your xf86config!  If not, put one
in ;-)


Rusty Carruth          Email:     [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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