Claudio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've the following problem: a print server using LM-7.2, Cups and samba. The
> IP address is:
>       SERVER:
> My network has TWO classes of IP addresses: 141.108.16.x and 141.108.21.x Now
> it happens that ONLY machine from class 141.108.21.x (the same of the
> server!) may see the smb server, while the machines from 141.108.16.x cannot
> see the server! Is it possible to avoid that? I'd like to let all of the
> machine see the printers!!!

first, lets look at the most likely netmasks for these subnetworks:

141.108.21.x/ - call this subnet 's'
141.108.16.x/ - call this subnet 'c'

You've not said enough about your network for me to be sure how its
laid out - I'll assume you use one physical network to carry both

If indeed these two subnetworks share the same physical wire (like I
just said), then you need to somehow let both subnets know about each
other - or somehow provide a path from subnet 'c' to the server.

One way to do this is to put your smb server on both subnets:

        ifconfig eth0:1 mask ...blah...blah...

the key is the "eth0:1".  (Note that I'm typing that ifconfig command from
memory, so you'll probably need to fix it)

Another way is to put up a route between the two subnets (THIS works
even if the two subnets are on different physical wires).  Use a linux
box on both subnets (set up as a router), a router, or whatever to 
provide that functionality.

Now, stepping back from the question one step - why are there two subnets,
especially if they share the same wire?


Rusty Carruth          Email:     [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Voice: (480) 345-3621  SnailMail: Schlumberger ATE
FAX:   (480) 345-8793             7855 S. River Parkway, Suite 116
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