On Friday 09 February 2001 12:52 pm, xylonite wrote:
> how do i make a sub domain like

It depends on what exactly you need to do.  The names user1.abc.com, 
user2.abc.com, etc are fully qualified domain names (FQDN) also referred 
to as hostnames.  The FQDN is basically an alias for an IP address, so a 
machine can be referred to as www.abc.com and users don't need to remember 
that the webserver for the ABC company has an IP address of

That being said,  there needs to exist records which associate the FQDN to 
IP addresses.  For boxen that you want accessible from the Internet, these 
boxen would require a routable IP address and DNS records to resolve the 
names.  For boxen on an internal network, you can use DNS, or place the 
associations in the /etc/hosts files of the various boxen.  

If you are talking about something like freeservers.com where you are 
hosting site1.abc.com, site2.abc.com, site3.abc.com, where each site is a 
seperate entity (user, business, etc), AND you want to host these all from 
a single box, then you get into virtual domains, which I know little about 

Matthew Micene                     A host is a host from coast to coast,
Systems Development Manager        and no one will talk to a host too close
Express Search Inc.                Unless the host that isn't close 
www.ExpressSearch.com              is busy, hung or dead

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