On Friday 09 February 2001 05:25 pm, you wrote:
> Hi,
>       I just recently changed from Mandrake 7.1 to 7.2.  I didn't upgrade --
> just did a clean install (after backup, of course).  It works great,
> except that two things that Mdk7.1 recognized without any problems don't
> work.  First, my soundcard.  I have a SB16 ViBRA16X - a common card, and
> easy to recognize.  I dual-boot with Win98, so I made sure that my BIOS
> was set to "Non-PNP OS" & then checked what the settings were for the
> card in Windoze.  The card works fine in Win98.  However, when I set the
> settings to the same as in Windows, it says it can't load the OPL3 module
> 'cause its busy.  Any ideas?
> Clint Olson
> CO-n-Co.

I have had the same problem when installing LM 7.2.
My work around was to upgrade KDE from the 2.0pre to the 2.1 version.
After the upgrade sound worked as advertised with no further configuration or 

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