On Sunday 18 February 2001 10:13 pm, you wrote:
> 1) - In theory, at least, the gui login panel should allow one to choose
> the window manager, and it does provide tabs for gnome,
> enlightenment,etc., etc. However, when I choose one of these, I always
> get KDE, no matter which I have chosen.

 Take a look in /etc/X11/kdm.  This directory contains the scripts that 
kdm uses to launch the various window management solutions.  Check to see 
what is going on in those scripts, if they exist, if they are linked 
properly.  Since KDE works, check them versus the content of the KDE 
script.  Adding XFCE should be as simple as copying the format of the KDE 
script and setting the permissions properly in that directory.  And last 
but not least, check to make sure that Gnome, enlightenment, fvwm, or 
whatever else is properly installed.  

Matthew Micene                     A host is a host from coast to coast,
Systems Development Manager        and no one will talk to a host too close
Express Search Inc.                Unless the host that isn't close 
www.ExpressSearch.com              is busy, hung or dead

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