Steve Elliott wrote:
> Hey there - thanx for your reply.

you're welcome!

> > > steve (02/21-20:48:00-818) CMD (/usr/local/bin/TaRT)

<sigh>  I think I missed the real problem which is in a previous post:

> > And it works ok if you run /usr/local/bin/TaRT as yourself?
> yes thats right - i havesent a mail showing the result of running it.
> it may have lloked like a normal sig tho - here it is again.
> *************************************************
> /usr/local/bin/TaRT
> Regards
> Steve
> "A committee has 6 or more legs and no brain." 
> 21:14PM Wednesday, February 21, 2001
> ******************************************************

This implies you are writing the output to stdout...  no?

If so, then your crontab entry should redirect that output...  Here's my sig
generator entry:

0,15,30,45 * * * * /home/pfortin/mysignature > /home/pfortin/.signature 


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