Hate to ask the obvious...  but are you using "crontab -e" to edit the

man crontab sez:
       The -e option is used to edit the  current  crontab  using
       the  editor  specified by the VISUAL or EDITOR environment
       variables.  After you exit from the editor,  the  modified
       crontab will be installed automatically.


Steve wrote:
> g'day there,
> Me running mandrake 7.1 and trying to get a program to run ever minute
> in crontab
> here is my entry
> /01 * * * * steve /usr/local/bin/TaRT
> according to all the doc i have followed this should do the trick :(
> shouldn't it ?
> con log shows it as running
> tail -f /var/log/cron
> root (02/21-20:40:00-785) CMD (   /sbin/rmmod -as)
> *system* (02/21-20:48:00-267) RELOAD (/etc/crontab)
> steve (02/21-20:48:00-818) CMD (/usr/local/bin/TaRT)
> steve (02/21-20:49:00-824) CMD (/usr/local/bin/TaRT)
> steve (02/21-20:50:00-828) CMD (/usr/local/bin/TaRT)
> root (02/21-20:50:00-830) CMD (   /sbin/rmmod -as)
> the command runs in a shell - its a linux signature generator.
> /usr/local/bin/TaRT
> Regards
> Steve
> "A committee has 6 or more legs and no brain."
> 21:14PM Wednesday, February 21, 2001
> What am i missing ? I've done this b4 on SGI and FreeBSD :(
> crond is running
> ps ax | grep crond
>   267 ?        S      0:00 crond
> Steve

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