I have decided to have a play with zope but have run into difficulties. 
Some time ago I stopped zope as a service using linuxconf as I was not
using it.   I have just downloaded the latest "hotfix" using
MandrakeUpdate which has installed ok.  However if I issue a "service
zope start" or use linuxconf to start it, zserver and zwatchdog die
within seconds.  This was also the case before applying the hotfix
updates.  The logs give little in the way of a clue.  Has someone run
into this problem before or is there a way of turning on more verbose
logging?  The manuals/tutorials are apparently served up by the zope
server which is not running which is a great help!  If no one can help
here I will try the zope mail lists, but as this is a Mandrake 7.2
package install, the chances are better someone here has had a similar
problem and solved it.


### log entry for a startup attempt
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "z2.py", line 554, in ?
    exec "import "+MODULE in {}
  File "<string>", line 1, in ?
  File "/usr/share/zope/lib/python/Zope/__init__.py", line 95, in ?
    import Globals, OFS.Application, sys
  File "/usr/share/zope/lib/python/OFS/Application.py", line 91, in ?
    import Globals,Folder,os,sys,App.Product, App.ProductRegistry, misc_
  File "/usr/share/zope/lib/python/App/Product.py", line 118, in ?
    from HelpSys.HelpSys import ProductHelp
  File "/usr/share/zope/lib/python/HelpSys/__init__.py", line 87, in ?
    import HelpSys
  File "/usr/share/zope/lib/python/HelpSys/HelpSys.py", line 93, in ?
    import HelpTopic
  File "/usr/share/zope/lib/python/HelpSys/HelpTopic.py", line 95, in ?
    class HelpTopicBase:
  File "/usr/share/zope/lib/python/HelpSys/HelpTopic.py", line 116, in
    permissions_values=ComputedAttribute(_permissions_values, 1)
TypeError: too many arguments; expected 2, got 3 

###It appears line 116 received too many parameters, but who or what
caused it?

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