Dan is right about the question.  Is it Qmail or Postfix?

Qmail is just as secure (if not more) as Postfix and much easier to 
configure and manage.  Mandrake now comes with sendmail and Postfix 
but I wish they would have included Qmail.  I wonder why they left 
Qmail out?

Just my two cents.

>  > Do you think sendmail is more secure than postfix as MTA's? Why?
>As Mike said...
>     Sendmail: Wasn't written by Weitse Venema, who is God.
>     Postfix: was.
>Weitse also wrote TCP wrappers.
>Postfix is definitely more secure and easier to administer than
>Your choice should not be between sendmail vs. postfix, it should
>be Qmail vs. Postfix, which are both secure.
>Postfix does the job for me.
>Thanks... Dan.

Larry Blodgett

--- Linux, WinNT, MS-DOS - also known as the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
---"Those who would trade freedom for security deserve neither." -B. Franklin
---"Always ask the question, never assume the answer." -Marcus Radich 1999

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