Am Mittwoch,  7. März 2001 07:41 schrieben Sie:
> On Mon, Mar 05, 2001 at 09:11:47AM -0800, Expert User wrote:
> >
> > ---------------------- Contents of mail--------
> > DB2problem...:missing or empty key value specified
> > Reading active file failed, exiting (see syslog for more
> > information). Has fetchnews been run?
> > ------------------------------------------

I don't know what causes the first line. I don't have anything with DB2 
running (well, what do I know?).
The second part is coming from texpire. Since you may not have leafnode 
running there is no active file. You can rm this if you don't plan to 
run leafnode.

> I had the same thing. Since I am not running any database servers or
> whatever, removing the offending file from /etc/cron.daily/ fixed
> things.

Which file did you rm?

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