(I'm not saying that you necessarily have to re-install, but I have no 
further suggestions as to how to recover your linux data)

There's no need to add any extra partitions between Windows and Linux 
partitions. You just need to make sure that when you do your install, 
that you install Windows first. It is not necessary to partition your 
drive first, but you can. I've done it both ways: partitioning before, 
and after windows install, and both were successful.

After you do the install, make sure you've defragged the disk in 
windows, and then you can partition during your linux install.

I strongly recommend, after you install linux, that you reboot back 
into windows to make sure that it has properly recognised the space you 
allocated to it in its partition. That's the only problem with Windows, 
is that it may not recognise the partitions. It took over a year before 
windows would recognise the new partitions when it happened to me. go 

> well i agree windows has screwed up your partitions,
> you may be able to use partition commander to repair the damage, but 
as for salvaging your data, most likely only windows data can be 
salvaged, im unsure how to salvage data from linux partitions, the 
cause seems to be that when windows was writing to a partition it 
misread the data table and over extended the partition it was writing 
to ontop of another partition which happens to be your /root partition.
> maybe you should add a small extended partition between your linux 
and windows partitions. that way you may have a small buffer of 
protection against windows write errors like the one you encountered, 
another thought is using vmware, however if you intend to log online 
with windows using a virtual machine such as vmware would be a bad idea.
> have fun! 
> >
> > Sounds to me like Windows didnt recognise your partitions properly, 
> > installed over the root partition of Linux.
> > 
> > I've had this happen to me before. The only solution that I found 
was to
> > re-install the whole lot, both OS's, making sure that windows 
> > the partitions that were allocated to it.
> > 
> > 
> > 

  Elice Wu                 | Telphone: +61 2 8219 5400    |  _--_|\
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