Howdy Chaps!

        I got Mandrake 7.2, and apart from the odd hardware crash my baby is, 
well, my baby! I absolutely love LM7.2, and I'm salivating for the 
final release of 8.0. Anyhoo, during that time, I'll admit, I've been a 
bit slack on the whole Update-Your-OS thing... I dont wanna do it 
through X, I'd rather setup a cronjob to do it at say... 2 in the 
morning when there is bandwidth to spare.

        So this leads me to the actual purpose of this mail: is there a way to 
run Mandrake's update tool through to CLI?


Gabriel Fortuna

Independent Newspapers
Information Technology - Projects & Networking Division 

T: 27 11 633 2833
F: 27 11 838 2528

All articles that coruscate with resplendence are not truly auriferous.

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