Hi Alex,

        This is what I have in my .cshrc file:

if ($?tcsh) then  # are we using the tcsh shell?
  set autolist  # list files on ambiguous filename completion
  set autologout = 360  # 360 minutes idle logout
  set prompt = "{%T}<%n@%m><%B%~%b>[%h] "  # make prompt extra-nifty
  set who = "%B%n%b     %a      %U%T%u  %l %B%m%b"
    # display format for log of user entry/exit from remote system
    # To turn on, use "set watch = (1 any any)"
    # ... where 1 is minute interval, any user, any terminal
  if ($?savehist) unset savehist  # don't keep .history file!

  bindkey ^W backward-delete-word  # bind ^W to delete last word
  limit coredumpsize 0  # disallow memory dump files ("core")

  if (`whoami` == "root") then
    set prompt = "{%T}<%BROOT%b@%m><%B%~%b>[%h] "  # You are root

        Let's say you wanted to watch specific users instead of
everyone.  Then you do this instaed of (1 any any):

set watch = (1 yermom any yerdad any yersister any)


On Wed, Mar 14, 2001 at 03:53:05PM -0800, Boddhisatva Troutwaxer wrote:
> Does anyone know how to set the "watch" variable in tcsh so I can watch
> others log in?
> According to what I've seen one just types "set watch=(<number> <name>
> <port>)"
> where number is the frequency with which one would like to check logins,
> name is the username of the person you're tracking (though it supposedly
> can be set to "any") and port is, for example, tty0.
> My eternal gratitude to anyone who can give me some good advice.
> Alex
> --
> It has long been known that birds will occasionally build nests in the
> manes of horses.  The only known solution to this problem is to sprinkle
> baker's yeast in the mane, for, as we all know, yeast is yeast and nest
> is nest, and never the mane shall tweet.

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