Hello all,

I recently replaced the motherboard and CPU of my Pentium II 400 system 
with an AMD Athlon 900 running a VIA KT133A chipset motherboard.

Windows loads and detects the new drivers, and with some fiddling, works 
fine - so I'm quite confident the hardware itself is installed and 
working properly.

However Linux Mandrake 7.2 just stops (no error messages) after `loading 
module dependencies [OK]' during bootup. 

I had a feeling this might have been to do with Mandrake installing a 
Intel Optimized kernel, so I went to use my install CDs. The install 
simply pauses during `Please Wait'. Again ,there's no error message 

That the system is failing is fine, but the lack of error messages in 
both cases ois fairly poor in my opinion as it makes it difficult for me 
and anyone else on this list.

Could anyone please help me? The situation is getting desperate.



Mike MacCana            Support Consultant  
          C Y B E R S O U R C E
   Level 9, 140 Queen St Melbourne 3000
Ph : +61 3 9642 5997 Fax: +61 3 9642 5998

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