I did this to myself too. Someone told me about one of those marvellous files
buried somewhere   - /etc/securetty (mine is appended at bottom) which lists the
places root can log in from. I can log in as root from any of the 6 consoles.

On Wed, 28 Mar 2001, David Rankin wrote:
> I did it to myself again :-(  I don't know how I did it, but I did it
> and I need Help.
> Here is the situation. I must like to torture myself. After getting my
> office server set up, I find I have an old 486 w/32 meg and 3Gig lying
> around and I thought it would make a good name server/mail server or
> whatever. So I loaded Mandrake 7.0 (Air) i486 on it.
> Everything was going fine. I shut the machine down a day or so ago. When
> I fired the box back up today, I could not log in as root. So I decided
> to try to log in as another user. I did -- it worked fine. Next I
> decided to see if I had a root password problem, so I tried su and
> entered the root password. It worked fine!
> So I spend another 10 minutes with modprobe trying to figure out what
> type of ethernet card I have in the box (no markings on card) and find
> the 82596 module works just fine.
> So now back to my root login problem. I still can't login as root! No
> matter what I try the following is what happens:
> login: root
> password: (I enter the root password - I know it works because su works)
> login incorrect
> So I need to know:
>   (1) Am I totally whosed? (reload required)
>   (2) If not, is there a way to fix this?
>   (3) If so, what's the fix?
> Any advise would be welcomed. I don't want to have to torture myself
> reloading the entire system on a 486 -- It takes a long time with an 8x
> CDROM, but not near as long as it did with a 4x.
> --
> David Rankin
> Nacogdoches, Texas

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        Declan Moriarty

Applied Researches - Ireland's Foremost Electronic Hardware Genius

        A Slightly Serious(TM) Company

Good judgement comes from experience;   experience comes from bad judgement.

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