Sorry, Darek, I fooled you into sending your reply just to me.

Here it is for the whole 'net to see! ;-)

>>>>> Thus spake Darek KUZARA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello Rusty, All

> > That the point. I cannot get console prompt unless I boot from the 
> > installation CD in Rescue mode.
> Hmm.  Control/Alt/F1 does not get your console prompt?  Usually
> there are 5 or 6 virtual consoles 'hidden' 'behind' the Alt/F<n> keys.
> To get to them from the x screen you have to hit Control/Alt/Fn - from
> them you only have to hit 'Alt/Fn'.  Anyway, does that work?  Or is your
> keyboard completely hosed such that even the caps lock key does nothing?

No results. I tried that.

> cannot help you with grub, but I coulda sworn someone had a message on that
> in the past.  Do the archives let you search?

I looked into the archives I could not find anything.


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