> I would suspect the screen resolution that is being applied in the autoboot
> (init 5) which your matrox card handles badly. I recall now that I had to
> use Xconfigurator to get the screen resolution dwon to something pretty
> basic (800x600) and then it would boot. The fact that startx won't work
> would seem to indicate this.

Before re-installation I worked with exactly the same X-resulution. I have even
decrised it from 1280x1024 to 1150x865. I will try to change monitor setting
i.e. refresh rate.

Dariusz Kuzara                          Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CERN - IT/CS/NSO             European Laboratory for Particle Physics
Tel: +41 22 767 77 78                 Information Technology Division
Fax: +41 22 767 71 55                 CH-1211 Geneva 23 - Switzerland

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