Al Baker schrieb:
> Hi All,
> I seem to remember something along these lines on the
> list a number of months back, but I can't seem to find
> it...
> I'd like to get JDK/JRE installed on one of my
> Mandrake system (either 7.1, 7.2, or 8.0beta2).  I was
> able to download the tar files from, but many
> applications don't seem to recognize that they're
> installed.

both forte and jbuilder need the new jdk 1.3 installed. if programms
don't find your jdk installation, the java executable is probably not in
your path. to test it, type java in a console and hit return. if it
returns something like that: "bash: java: command not found", its not in
your path. to add it to your path type something like that in your
console: export PATH=$PATH:/usr/java/jdk1.3/bin/ (of course you have to
use the path where your jdk install resides). now you should be able to
use java from this console. to make it a persistant change edit (as
root) /etc/profile and add the previous export line at the end of this
> Furthermore,  I'd like to get a nice visual IDE up and
> working as well for Java (and possibly other
> languages).  Forte for Java (from Sun) doesn't
> recognize the jdk/jre installation.  Any
> recommendations?

to start forte use this: /usr/local/forte4j/bin/runide -jdkhome
/usr/java/jdk1.3/ (again use the right path to the forte and jdk install
on your system)

take a look at jbuilder from borland, too.

have fun


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