Benjamin Sher wrote:

> to rebuild the Cooker src.rpm for mozilla 0.8.1 but failed and got the same
> error messages that I got from the Texstar rpm. And it showed in the
> performance: constant crashes and freezes.

By any chance are you overclocking your CPU?  If yes, try backing it
down one notch.  Also, have you recently added RAM?  It could be bad
and/or be heat related or it could have recently gone bad.  If you
recompile the kernel 2 or 3 times (just to exercise the memory and
CPU--don't install it), do you ever get any errors?
Blue skies...           Todd
| Get a bigger hammer!   |  Sometimes you get what you want.      |
|  |  Sometimes you get experience.         |
|  |                     --unknown origin   |

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