On Thu, Apr 19, 2001 at 02:27:37PM -0700, Rusty Carruth wrote:
> There was a question a while back on the rsync list (I think)
> about updating iso images using rsync, thus keeping you from
> having to load an entire 600meg iso image when you already
> have the beta just before that one.

I don't think rsync works that way.  It compares on a file by file basis
and when it finds a file that's different, it downloads it and replaces
it on the local machine.  Since the iso file changes, it downloads the
new iso file.  The whole 600 megs.  You're not getting the savings you
think you are.  

The one advantage you might get is that ftp might be traffic
shaped, whereas rsync might not.  Notice the two _might_s in there.
Those were strictly guesses.
Blue skies...           Todd
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