Hi i am trying to make win2k to run inside VMware in mdk8.0 - i have an 13
gb ibm drive with wintendo on the first 4gb (/dev/hda1) and mandrake on
the rest. When i try starting VMware it all goes fine, but when coming to
the lilo point it just hangs (i think it may be the grafical lilo-thing
that is messing it up)

Please help

Mvh./Yours sincerely


Lars Roland Kristiansen             | Email:        [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Stud. Scient. Mathematics           | TLF(home):    39699914 - 116 
Copenhagen University -             | Home address: Bispebjerg parkalle 
Institute for Mathematical Sciences | 22 - 2400 københavn NV - room 116. 
Url: www.math.ku.dk                 |

   "Politics is for the moment, equations are forever"
                                                    - Albert Einstein

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