
I have just installed Mandrake 8.0 release and have decided to use it to
replace my NT4 server.  That server's previous job was as an internet
server, and file server.

I installed Mandrake 8.0 with a few problems.  The biggest of which was
that it would _NOT_ under any circumstances, see any SCSI hard disc at
address 0.  I had to reset my Adaptec 2940 UW to boot at address 1 and
have all drives with addresses of 1 or higher.  Right now it works this
way, so fine, no big deal (7.2, 7.1, and 7.0 had no problems with this
same configuration).

The second problem, which is why I am writing this to you, is that while
using Mandrake's Internet connection sharing, I am able to share the
connection with no problems until i reboot...  Then, when I reboot, the
machine with not obtain an IP address from my ISP.  The only way I can get
it to reobtain that IP address is to actually disable to internet
connection sharing, disable the little firewall, and reboot the computer.
Then it will obtain an IP, and I can turn on the internet sharing again.

That just seems bizarre to me.

My NT4 server had no problems running this job, and I just decided to
combine machines to quite down the room.  I would rather not have to begin
using that old server again, but I can't have this machine dying every
time i reboot for whatever reason.  It's also my Linux workstation, so
occasionally I make a mistake and have to reboot.

If anyone has any insight to this, or requires any log files, config
files, or any further information in order to assist me, I would greatly
appreciate it.  After six hours of toiling, I seem to have only gotten to
a workaround, rather then a fix...



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