
I have a server on the other side of a firewall. The Firewalls uses NAT, so 
no matter what IP-adress I come from on the internal network, the sambaserver 
will see the the same IP-address, as in the IP-address the firewall NATs me 

The problem is: It doesn't work. I can have only one machine connected at a 
time (one session that is). If I try to make a connection from another 
machine, I get "Network path not found". Only the machine which get to the 
server first, gets a connection.

The error log in samba says:

[2001/04/23 10:49:51, 0] locking/locking.c:locking_init(174)
  ERROR: Failed to initialise share modes

I have upgraded to the newest samba (not 2.2), but the one shipped by 
Mandrake-update. That did not solve the problem.

Anyone got a clue? I think it has something with the NAT to do. But i theory 
it should work.

Morten Lund

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