I encountered a rather strange problem when I tried to install the latest 
Mandrake on my laptop. The Thinkpad has a PS2 port, plus one of those "pins" 
in the middle of the keyboard.

Mandrake would refuse to find my mouse. What was really really weird was that 
after installing it, I tried getting X up and running, with no luck because 
it was not able to find a mouse. However, xconf (my mind is not working 
today, so please do not flame me if there is no such program, it is a program 
that fires up X and allows you to set some settings (not xwidtune though, but 
something similar)) when that ran, would have a working mouse?!?!?

I tried to disable the autosetting in my bios to see if that would have any 
effect, but nope.

Anybody with any clues?

I had to install RedHat 7.1 in the end (ughhhh.....)


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