I'm having a similar problem, but mine didn't go away it just got slow.
My machine has been up for about a week.  Yesterday, I opened an
editor and started typing and the key repeat rate was slow.  I have
no idea why.  Do you know of any settings that control key repeat
rate?  Somewhere in the alphabet soup of config files?


On Monday 30 April 2001 16:51, you wrote:
> Some time since last night my keyboard repeat has gone...
> I'm baffled - I've been running 8.0rc1 since it appeared, and have been up
> and logged in for 16 days without problems. Symptoms are, well, no
> auto-repeat. If I change keyboard settings in the Gnome config tool and
> hit "Try", auto-repeat comes back, but after an "OK" it vanishes again. It
> may be significant that I run W2K in VMware wherein auto-repeat *does*
> still work, but that VM has also been up for 16 days.
> 8.0rc1+Gnome+E on a Celeron 450 with keyboard set to uk102 (it's a proper
> clicky IBM :)
> Any ideas?
> Pete

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