Ok, i've got a tough one (for me).

I"ve had libsafe-1.3 installed on my system for a long time. Everything has
been working just fine. The other day i tried to install an rpm that wanted
libsafe-2.0, and so i pulled it off one of the Mandrake mirrors for 8.0. I went
to install it, and it told me "failed dependancies: requires libsafe.so.1.3" or
it might have wanted the package libsafe-1.3 i don't remember. Anyway, i do a
"rpm -q libsafe" and it answers the exact thing that it just said libsafe-2.0
requires. So what do i do? I think to myself "stupid rpm, it's there!" and i do
"rpm -ivh --nodeps libsafe-2.0.etc.etc" (actually, i had to do a
"--replacefiles" too because it wanted to overwrite some .gz doc file
somewhere. So that worked.

Then the pain started. I had to fight with it awhile and some of you may
remember that i blew up libsafe-1.3 and had to get someone to send me a copy of
/lib/libsafe.so.1.3 which finally worked and so i reinstalled it properly (with
all kinds of --nodeps etc to get it to install). So recently i've been unable
to launch several applications.  I can't log out of KDE with the pop-up K menu,
nor can i lockscreen. Most normal applications work fine. The scrollback
(history) feature in konsole is not working, it's as though i've turned it off
(but i haven't). I was at such a loss. Various terminals don't work. Most don't
give an error message but Eterm gives this:

Detected an attempt to write across stack boundary.
Terminating /usr/X11R6/bin/Eterm-O.8.10.
"libsafe violation for /usr/X11R6/bin/Eterm-O.8.10, pid=22253; overflow caused
by strcpy()"
Null message body; hope that's ok
/tmp/RsiOT9Pn: No space left on device

Inspired, i went to the logs:
[root@homer log]# grep -ir libsafe * 2>/dev/null
auth.log:May  5 08:09:32 homer libsafe.so[2085]: version 1.2
auth.log:May  5 08:09:32 homer libsafe.so[2085]: detected an attempt to write
across stack boundary.
auth.log:May  5 08:09:32 homer libsafe.so[2085]: terminating
auth.log:May  5 08:09:32 homer libsafe.so[2085]: overflow caused by strcpy()   

Several entries like this, all from Eterm, and all from today.

WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?? I'm totally baffled. My history buffer in Konsole
doesn't work anymore. RXVT works, and so does its scroll-back buffer, but most
other terminals won't even fire up. I have to use the 3-fingered salute
(ctrl-alt-del) to log out of KDE b/c the menu item is non-responsive.

And i can't seem to get rid of libsafe-2.0. Now nothing will work without _it_
either - my system seems to have become dependant on it as well as libsafe-1.3.

Can _anyone_ *please* help me, i dont' know enough about ldconfig and libsafe
and all that jazz to know a sequence of things to try, and i would really like
to have my system fully functional again.

Thanks so much,

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