Todd Flinders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello:
> I want to purchase two 60 gig IBM 60GXP ATA/100 hard
> drives and a 3ware RAID controller.  I will give 30
> gigs to Windows and 90 gigs to Linux.
> Is that going to be a problem? 

Not likely, unless windows has a problem with 30 Gig  ;-) / 2

I bought a nice 40 gig drive a while back (although it
is NOT the boot disk), made one big partition, and its

Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda6              2190632    819352   1260000  39% /
/dev/hda1                19487      3675     14806  20% /boot
/dev/hdb2             39365712   3767460  33598564  10% /news

The only downside is trying to figure out where the blasted
COMMAS go!   :-)

>  Will there be any necessary partitioning or parameters to allow Linux to
> see the 90 gigs?  

As I recall, I said 'mke2fs /dev/hdb2', and waited.

You MIGHT want to allow more files than normal (more inodes),
since you'll probably get a lot of files there (see man page
for mke2fs)

> Do I need to do anything special to install the 3ware controller card? 

No clue.  (Just call me clue challenged, its ok ;-)

>  I believe the driver for this card is built into the kernel.
> I will be using Linux Mandrake 8.0 PowerPack.
> Thanks so much for the help.  I'd love to avoid a
> headache ahead of time.

If you want to be paranoid, reserve a 40 meg partition
on the first 1024 cylinders (well, you can easily get 
by with 10 meg or less, but why be stingy, what with 
60 gig avail per drive?  ;-)

As someone else has said, this may be no longer
required, but if you want to be paranoid then do it
that way.  (Also, make it ext2, I think - again this
is not strictly required, but if you want something
other than ext2 for everything else this may make
life easier - maybe not ;-)

Also see the thread here about dual-booting.  If
its a new install, I like to install windows first
(well, for small values of 'like to install' ;-),
and then linux, since getting linux to dual-boot
is ALWAYS easier than trying to add windblows to
an already-configured system....


Rusty Carruth          Email:     [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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