Hi all.

        I recently tried, sucessfuly, to install Oracle 8i on a
Mandrake machine.
        Was a 7.2, with glibc upgraded to 2.2.  
        I've apllied the patch Oracle recommended, and all worked
        Well, this was yesterday.
        Today I tried to run netca, and it receive a SIGSEV :
        The message are this:
"SIGSEGV received at bffff3e8 in
va.so. Processing terminated
Writing stack trace to javacore8702.txt ... OK
/oracle/bin/netca: line 102:  8702 Segmentation fault      $JRE
-classpath $CLAS
SPATH oracle.net.ca.NetCA $*"

        The java*.txt shows nothing relevant.
        I know that the JRE of the installation use a IBM crafted 
java environment.
        Anyone knows how to solve this, or got this problem?

        On a Mdk 8.0 I got the same result...


Leonardo T. de Carvalho
        Ibiz Tecnologia
Frase aleatória:
"The rate at which a disease spreads through a corn field is a precise
measurement of the speed of blight.

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