I recently installed LM8.0 on some free harddrive space, so I can make a 
decision as to whether I want to replace my reliable 7.2 partition.

For the most part, I've been impressed (with KDE enhancements in 
particular).  However, when I installed and tried out The Gimp (from the 
supplied rpm), I found it kept freezing on me!  It would start fine, but 
when I selected another tool from the toolpad thingy, it didn't seem to want 
to respond any more.  Sometimes it would, sometimes it wouldn't.  The rest 
of the desktop remains responsive.

Has anyone else witnessed this behaviour, and/or know of a remedy to get The 
Gimp working again?  I was running The Gimp on KDE (this is all 
out-of-the-box-rpm setup).

Incidently, I've also experienced the shutdown problem people have been 
talking about.  Even using kernel magic sysrq keys to sync and unmount my 
partitions doesn't work (despite messages displayed on the terminal to the 
contrary!).  Is Mandrake going to release an updated kernel to resolve this 
soon (I'm assuming it's a kernel prob).

Many Thanks,
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