I have run into this several times myself.  With me, the latest such episode 
occurred with sixpack, a bibliography application for lyx.  I installed it, 
which went fine.  I then try to run it and get the same message you do.  I 
then do a "which <executable>" and it properly identifies the executable in 
the proper place. 

The executable just wont work and isn't recognized.  I then tried 
reinstalling and that appeared to do the trick.  I have run into this with 
several different programs lately: sixpack, pybliographic, k3d, and a couple 
others I can't recall right now.  

On Friday 25 May 2001 03:01, Will Woods wrote:
> Hi,
> I have just done a fresh install of Mandrake 8.0 after having used 7.2
> with no problems for some time. I am trying to install two different
> commercial symbolic math packages, Macsyma Pro 2.4 and Maple V. Both
> packages seem to install fine, but the executables they install are not
> recognized by the system. I can list them, e.g. ls -l for Maple gives:
> # ls -l mapleTTY
> -rwxrwxr-x    1 alias    24         669660 Jan 11  1998 mapleTTY*
> but trying to execute it gives the following:
> # ./mapleTTY
> bash: ./mapleTTY: No such file or directory
> (this is not a PATH problem, it happens when I'm in the same dir as the
> executable)
> The same problem occurs for Macsyma. Both packages installed and ran fine
> under 7.2.
> Anybody got any ideas?
> Thanks for any help
> Will

Against stupidity, the gods themselves contend in vain.

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