Fox wrote:
> A friend of mine got it to work this week.
> First:
> unset LANG
> unset LANGUAGE
> unset LC_*
> Any environment variable that starts with LC_ you need to unset.  That will
> fix your SIGSEGV.
> Next, switch to GNOME to run the installer if some buttons don't work.  Some
> of the buttons in the Java app may not work in KDE.
> Okay, you are on your way.  You will need the glibc 2.1.3 stubs from
> Oracle's site as well.
> Fox

        Hi all.

        Thanx to A.V. Flinsch. The problem are really on the
glibc files.

        Best regards
Leonardo T. de Carvalho
        Ibiz Tecnologia
Frase aleatória:
"Under every stone lurks a politician.
                -- Aristophanes

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