This is driving me mad!  (OK, not really, it is just a frickin' game)  I have 
heretic2 from Loki.  I also have M8.0 installed on my Athlon 700 system.  
Under 7.2, same system, I could play heretic2 without problems - WITH 
soundfx.  Since installing 8.0, I can play heretic2 but it is without 
soundfx.  I cannot get soundfx to work, period.  Artsd wont release the sound 
device to the game and trying to run the game without artsd running causes it 
to crash.  

This suggests to me that something in 8.0 has altered with regard to sound 
and sound devices such that it is not really compatible with heretic2, myth2, 
or terminus (those are the only linux games I presently have so are all I can 
comment on).

Is there anyone in the list running Mandrake 8.0, preferably on an Athlon, 
who actually has any one of these games AND has soundfx working?
Against stupidity, the gods themselves contend in vain.

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