I cannot play the games unless I am running KDE (and by extension, artsd).  
If I either kill artsd in KDE and then try to start the game or if I try to 
start it from another window manager or environment (Gnome), it crashes on 
startup.  It will ONLY start up and play if artsd is running - and then I 
don't get soundfx.

I have an Athlon 700 on an AOpen AK72 mobo with the via a686 ac97 sound dsp 
built in.  It worked fine under Mandrake 7.2 but since upgrading to 8.0, the 
problem described above occurs.  I doubt it is the hardware because it did 
work without problem under the previous Mandrake - and sound works with 
everything else in kde or gnome or windowmaker.  Something about the new 
setup, the libs, the way hardware is handled, drivers...something...is 
preventing heretic2 and myth2 from getting soundfx working.  It could be 
libSDL, I suppose...or the newer kernel sound drivers...

On Monday 28 May 2001 09:16, Vincent Danen wrote:
> On Sun May 27, 2001 at 12:21:08PM -0600, Praedor Tempus wrote:
> > This is driving me mad!  (OK, not really, it is just a frickin' game)  I
> > have heretic2 from Loki.  I also have M8.0 installed on my Athlon 700
> > system. Under 7.2, same system, I could play heretic2 without problems -
> > WITH soundfx.  Since installing 8.0, I can play heretic2 but it is
> > without soundfx.  I cannot get soundfx to work, period.  Artsd wont
> > release the sound device to the game and trying to run the game without
> > artsd running causes it to crash.
> I've got Heretic2 and HoMM3 here and working, sound and everything.
> The only difference I can see is that I'm running them under GNOME and
> not KDE... have you tried to run them under a different WM to see if
> they work that way?
> > This suggests to me that something in 8.0 has altered with regard to
> > sound and sound devices such that it is not really compatible with
> > heretic2, myth2, or terminus (those are the only linux games I presently
> > have so are all I can comment on).
> I don't think so.  I installed my loki games in 7.2 and carried the
> same install (/usr/local partition) to my 8.0 install (same machine)
> and without tweaking a thing, they work.  All I did was re-create the
> icons under Nautilus.
> > Is there anyone in the list running Mandrake 8.0, preferably on an
> > Athlon, who actually has any one of these games AND has soundfx working?
> I honestly don't know what to say.  Maybe I'll try firing up KDE and
> see if they run under KDE as well or if I get the same problem.
> What version of kdelibs/arts/libarts are you running?

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