Woody Green wrote:
> I'll make this potentially simpler:
> edit /etc/X11/fs/config
> and delete the line: "/usr/share/abisuite/AbiSuite/fonts,"
> You can simply reboot and be done with it, or do the following

When I installed LM8, I saw the fonts in abiword were horrible, and I
uninstalled it.
So I don't have the line "/usr/share/abisuite/AbiSuite/fonts," in my
The problem happens *without* abisuite installed.

I have another computer with LM 7.2 (the fonts looks fantastic!). In
this computer, the file fs/config has these two lines changed:
In LM8.0:
- /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/mdk:unscaled,
- /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/pcf_drakfont,
In LM7.2:
- /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/mdk,
- /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/pcf_drakfont:unscaled,

I changed It in LM8.0 and restart xfs and X, but the problem persist.
(Can be I forgot something)
Do you have LM8.0? See a web page in Konqueror, now zoom in serveral
times. The fonts looks bad at some zoom levels (It's only a way for see
the problem)
Some idea? Do you need more information? Help.
Thank you.

> issue the following (restarting the font server):
> /etc/init.d/xfs stop
> /etc/init.d/xfs start
> Then logout of your X session.
> If you use gdm/xdm/kdm (graphical logins), you need to either
> reboot or do: "init 3;init 5" from the console.
> It's the damn AbiSource fonts that look so horrible.  Alternatively,
> you could simply uninstall abisuite: rpm -e abisuite
> If you happen to be able to make sense of the fs/config, you can
> play with it to see if you can create a default font load to suit
> your tastes, but you have to restart the xfs server and pop out of
> and back into X to make the changes take effect.  Remember, make a
> backup of anyfile you edit just in case...
> For a quick X font lesson, fonts are choosen for X and X apps mainly
> in one of 3 ways:
> 1.) You specify the font in the application under the app's
>      preferences menu.
> 2.) The app looks for all "Times" (or other major font family) font
>      and grabs the first Times in the alaphabeticaly ordered list -
>      "Times (AbiSource)" comes before "Times (Adobe)".
> 3.) The apps pulls the first "Times" (or other major font family)
>      that it can find (the order that the fonts are listed in
>      /etc/X11/fs/config is important here.)  This *supposedly* is
>      the default method if you haven't specified a font directly as
>      I understand it.
> So from here, you might have some leeway to play with the fonts to
> suit your veiwing pleasure.
>       Woody
> Oscar wrote:
> > Hi.
> > I have problems with fonts in LM 8.0. It looks horrible.
> > You can see the example I put at http://www.ua.es/personal/oscar/fuentes/
> > I'm following discussion about this problem at www.mandrakeforum.com and
> > www.mandrakeuser.org
> > This is my solution, but It's not complete, It's only "first aids":
> > - Change the order of fonts in /etc/X11/fs/config, putting in first place
> > 100dpi fonts.
> > - Select lucidatypewriter in netscape, konqueror and kpanel.
> > - Put the option -dpi 100 in /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers
> > It solves the problem, but only in part and sometimes.
> > ?????
> > I presume the problem is in anti-aliasing (but It is OFF in KDE). I have an
> > ATI Xpert XL.
> > Excuse my english.
> > Salu2,
> > Oscar.
> >
> --
>       Woody ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
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> Gatewood Green         Web Developer
> http://www.linux.org/  The first stop for Linux info on the Net
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