On Friday 01 June 2001 01:29, Benjamin Sher wrote:
> Dear friends:
> I thought it might wise, instead of fighting this memory problem, to
> just reinstall LM 8.0, to do a fresh install.
> Well, that turned out to be dumb decision. Also a mystiftying one.
> Install started fine (Expert mode), got as afar as partitioning,
> partitioned my Linux hard drives (as I have done many times before).
> Last time I had a perfect installation using the Reiser FS (for
> everything, including the /boot partition).
> This time, after setting the partitions, I clickded on "format" as I
> have done many times before. What usually follows is the formatting of
> my paritions, then I get the screen with the packages. This time,
> installation suddenly stopped and switched to the console with an error
> message informing me that the installation had terminated. This has
> never happened before. Could this have anything to do with my new PNY
> memory modules (256 megs of RAM in addition to my previous PNY 128 megs
> of RAM).
> One other thing:
> Turns out I both Windows and Linux recognized my memory upon bootup. No
> question about it. Everywhere, during bootup, at the Penguin console
> login in Linux. In Windows, during bootup and under My Computer,
> Properties, where the actual amount of RAM is indicated. And NO
> exclamation marks of any sort in Device manager. But Windows would fail
> to land on the desktop when I'd launch it with the Linux drives on. But
> when I disabled the Linux channel, then Windows would land properly on
> the desktop. I could also access the Internet using my Earthlink WinPOEt
> PPPOE utility. However, when after being cleared for takeoff and fully
> online, I'd launch Netscape in Windows and Netscape would freeze up.
> Anyway, I went back to Linux and formatted my Linux partitions in Linux
> and tried once again to install LM 8.0, selecting, as before, the Reiser
> FS and a swap file of 400 megs (in addition to my 384 real meg of RAM --
> assuming my two new PNY 128 meg memory modules are OK. Failed again.
> Once again, installation terminates and returns right back to the
> console.
> Does anyof this have anything to do with memory modules, good or bad or
> whatever.
> My immediate problem is that I need to reinstall my LM 8.0.

Well let's review:

Linux 8.0 install is OK.....

CHANGE:  Memory Modules added

Linux 8.0 install is NOT OK

Windows doesn't even know the difference (which is to be expected since 
windows is programmed to leave memory unused while linux tries to make use of 
most of it in some way at all times, unused memory considered as WASTED)

If it isn't your memory modules or the connectors on the motherboard where 
they are installed, I'll eat my hat.


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