On Friday 01 June 2001 20:19, Al Andersen wrote:
> I've got a Gateway Select computer, 850MHz AMD processor with 128MB.
> Linux Mandrake 7.2 installed fine, with no problems.
> Linux Mandrake 8.0 also installs fine. However, it won't boot.
> It gets *almost* to the "Welcome to Linux Mandrake 8.0" banner and just
> sits there. Everything is locked up at this point, requiring a power down
> of the computer.
> I tried using the RESCUE option on the CD to trim some stuff out of
> rc.sysinit. It got me a bit further into the boot process (past the welcome
> banner), but it always locks up.
> I thought it was a memory problem, but I saw that someone else with a
> 900+MHz AMD Gateway Select had the same problem, which I haven't seen any
> resolution to.
> I've re-installed 7.2 several times now, got a wild idea to try on 8.0, had
> it not work, and then had to pick up the pieces again. I'm getting pretty
> tired of it.
> Can anyone help? Can I install 8.0 a piece at a time via the rpm manager?
> -Al

Try this:

Install kernel22 as well, and perhaps kernel-linus 2.4.3  Use expert mode 
individual package selection and click on the alphabetic presentation to be 
able to click on these additional kernels

Install away (remember which partition / and /boot are installed to--in fact 
keep /boot in the same partition as /.  Let us say for illustration purposes 
that it is /dev/hda1

Now instead of trying to boot with the default kernel, boot again with the 
install CD, hit F1 and type "rescue" (without the quotes)

When the system comes up 

# mount /dev/hda1 /mnt
# chroot /mnt
# mount /usr         #*(if you want to run an editor)
# cd /boot
# ls

Check the kernels available, choose 2.2.19 or kernel-linus-2.4.3

# ln -fs vmlinuz-2.2.19-10mdk vmlinuz
# mkinitrd initrd-2.2.19-10mdk.img  #***Don't need it if already made check   
                                                      #***the /boot directory
# ln -fs initrd-2.2.19-10mdk.img initrd.img
# reboot

Take out the CD and see what happens--perhaps another kernel will work well.

We've never had a Gateway to test, so we honestly don't know what they are 
doing differently than everyone else.


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