Hi again,

Just thought I'd better explain more clearly what I am trying to achieve

normally in all situations I have been in before, I have set the enternal
interface (eth0 ppp0 ect..) with virtual IP's to get the server listening
for connections to those IP's

I wanted to keep all our machines on private ip's and use portforwarding to
give limited access to ports on the internal machines...

apparently (our isp now tells us) with our ADSL setup, that doesn't work,, I
know its true because its currently setup that way and none of the ups are
pingable over the net.

They (the isp) have made this suggestion <quote>

The easiest way to go would be to actually assign the additional IP
addresses to
physical machines, other than the gateway server itself.

Then you just need to set up routing out the eth1 port for those IP's. I
assume that the network config is something like:
|ADSL Modem| -> (eth0)|Server|(eth1) -> |Hub| -> |Client Machines|

In which case, you set up routes for the new IP's to go out eth1, and
those machines accept only the packets destined for them.


So, what I need to know, is this,,,,:

what is the best method for static routing of ip's from an internal machine
to just an interface,, ie eth0 I don't want to redirect to the static ip, I
would to route out of the external interface as they have detailed above...

Does thing make sense??

any help would be really really appreciated, I am getting more desperate and
lost by the minute.



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