Hi All,

        I am trying to configure an NE200 network card using Draknet. The card
is an old ISA jobby and was not rcognised at install time. When I run
Draknet it will configure my modem quite happily but when it comes to
configuring the network card I select the proper driver but the card id
not recognised. Since there appears to be no option to allow one to pass
io and irq parameters I am left in nowhere land. I can bring the card up
by using Netconf and defining the device as eth0 since in this program
one can pass harware parameters. Doing this brings up the interface and
gives a selectable device in Draknet however if one configures this
interface to allow internet sharing it blocks the modem and assumes that
one is connecting to the web via eth0 (which is not the case). There is
no problem with the network card I can ping both the local and other
machines on my network but it seems I can either have a network card or
a modem but not both. At the end of the day all I want to do is
configure the machine for internet sharing so that I can dial up with
other machines on my lan. I am using Mandrake 8.0 I had no troubles with
the combination when I was using 7.2.

Can anybody offer any help or explanation.


Colin Close

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