On Sun, Jul 08, 2001 at 02:56:18AM +0200, Wolfgang Bornath wrote:
> Got adsl yesterday and managed the setup. though not using draknet. I
> tried draknet first but it did not work. Then I ran adsl-setup and added
> a defaultroute in adsl-start. Now it works like a charm.
> Problem is, 1&1 (my provider) cuts the link after 15 minutes
> of inactivity and after 14 hours of continous running.
> 1. I put up a cronjob which sends 1 ping tom my own domain every 14
> minutes.

I'm using rp-pppoe 3.1 (and even with 3.0), and my connexion is
automatically restarted when rp-pppoe detect that it's not online
(the french provider cuts the line everey 23h50, I think).

> 2. It's no prob for me to restart every 24 hours. It would be nice, if
> this happened automagically but ....
> 3. My actual Q: Is there a little icon or sign to put on the KDE panel
> which shows the status of the connection? Today I saw Linux on a PPC and
> there was this small connection symbol which got unconnected when the
> internet connection broke. Is there such a thing?
> wobo
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