On Mon, Jul 09, 2001 at 13:12 +0200, Gregor Maier wrote:
> > 1. I put up a cronjob which sends 1 ping tom my own domain every 14
> > minutes.
> > 
> in addition to this job you could also run this script as cronjob which will
> check if the connection (ppp0 interface) is still up. if not it will reconnect
> and it will also write to a logfile that the connection was down
> I've written this script for a SuSE installation, so maybe you have to change
> some directories...

Cool! I'll have to modify a bit b/c I don't use the adsl script in the
init-tree but the adsl-start script of the pppoe-package. Put it at the
end of rc.local and (wonder why) had to put a 'route add default ppp0'
behind that (or in ip-up). Otherwise I got a connection but no contact to
the nameservers.

I'll try your script this eve or tomorrow.
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