On Mon, 9 Jul 2001, Benjamin Sher wrote:

> Dear friends:
> This may seem like a trivial question, but it's been driving me crazy. I 
> have to reinstall LM 8.0, and, for the life of me, I can't find any 
> option to INSTALL EVERYTHING. One click of the mouse and you just 
> install everything on LM 8.0 (at least the 2 CD version, which totals 
> 3.6 gig, I believe). Red Hat 5.2 used to have that option. You could 
> just select "Everything", relax, go for a walk, walk on your hands, 
> whatever. You didn't have to THINK about what to download and what not. 
> I switched to Mandrake after Red Hat 6.0 so i don't know whether that 
> option is still available in Red Hat. However, I can't help but wonder 
> whether a) such an option does exist buried somewhere deep within LM 8.0 
> or b) whether there is no such option at all, and if not, then, by God, 
> why not? I don't mean selecting groups of programs or sets or parts of 
> sets. I mean clicking on an option that says: INSTALL EVERYTHING, every 
> file and byte on these CD's. After installation, you can aquaint 
> yourself with all the goodies in LM 8.0, but why force the user to have 
> to THINK about what's on those CD's before installation. Just get it on 
> the hard drive first, get LM 8.0 fully installed and then you can enjoy 
> leisurely exploring its riches.

>From what I can tell (I have no special information as the mandrake
developers might), there are two ways of going about doing this:

1) Select all package groups at the package Group selection part at
install time, then use Individual Package selection to select the
remaining ones.


2) After having installed, run rpm -i *rpm in the RPMS/ directory of both
CD's (assuming the GPL edition)

Of course, you'll get lots of error messages about packages already
installed, and possibly that a package conflicts with another one (eg.,
postfix and sendmail may not want to be installed together).  

> Does any of this make sense to you all? Has anyone ever wondered about 
> this. I mean, even if you have a 20 Gig hardrive, you won't be able to, 
> you can't install all of LM in one go. There is no option for it. Am I 
> right? I certainly hope I am wrong. I sure could use such an option 
> right now before I go really batty.

Being a Debian refugee, the option "install everything" just doesn't feel
right.  Debian got me used to having a huge number packages that are
completely extraneous and some which are mutually incompatible.

> Thanks so much for listening. Looking forward to your answers.
> Benjamin   


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