Craig Sprout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Rusty Carruth wrote:
> > If the mailing is to more than one recipient, then you will get that many
> > copies.
> I'm not too sure about that, I got 2 copies of Praedor's "Kmail craps
> out" message, and that appears to be sent to the list only, with no CC:
> or anyone else in the To:.  

Shoot.  You mean I've got to start paying attention to those again?
Here I thought I had it figured out, what with my theory being right
100% of the time that I'd checked it!  Crud.  Oh, well, back to the
drawing board!

> I can't imagine that a Bcc: would have any
> effect, since that would be handled at the local MTA before yavin,
> sympa, et al. even get hold of it

If BCC can cause a duplicate at the yavin/sympa/etc location then
it wasn't a very good bcc, now was it?  ;-)

> > For example, EVERYONE will get 2 copies of this (with the possible
> > exception of Craig, who will probably get 1 or 3 ;-)
> Bzzzt!  Only 2!  :D

Boy, 2 strikes in one email!  Ya know, as soon as I started to write
it I had a feeling it would be wrong, just because I committed to it ;-)

> > Yeah, but this time you win the cupie doll ;-)
> I knew when I woke up that today was my lucky day!  

There ya go!  ;-)


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