Jose & Civileme and all others,

Thanks so much for your very detailed input. I knew this was a gnarly issue, 
and you guys demonstrated why Linux, and, in particular, Linux-Mandrake, far 
exceeds any distro out there. With this kind of support, I am now ready to go 
forward using the methodology suggested by your kind support. I will let you 
know how it all turns out....

Craig Woods

On Monday 16 July 2001 14:58, you wrote:
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re: [expert] Fwd: Upgrading GLIBC-2.1.3-18.3mdk to 2.2.2-5mdk
> Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2001 17:44:18 +0000
> From: civileme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Sunday 15 July 2001 20:56, Craig Woods wrote:
> > ----------  Forwarded Message  ----------
> > Subject: Upgrading GLIBC-2.1.3-18.3mdk to 2.2.2-5mdk
> > Date: Sat, 14 Jul 2001 15:10:44 -0500
> > From: Craig Woods <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> >
> > Looking for some insight:
> >
> > I currently have a DNS machine (bind-8.2.3-1.1mdk) serving my network,
> > and I would like to upgrade this server to version bind-9.1.1-1mdk. As
> > you may know, this move would require the glibc-2.2 version to be
> > installed. I am currently running LMDK7.2 with glibc-2.1.3-18.3mdk
> > installed. Because of all of the dependencies that come with the glibc
> > shared libraries, I am reluctant to hack my way through an upgrade of
> > glibc. It should be noted that all of these dependencies are related to
> > other non-bind applications. With this in mind, my query comes down to
> > just a couple of questions:
> >
> > 1) Could I just force the glibc upgrade, or would this break all the
> > other applications that are dependent on the glibc-2.1.3 libraries? (that
> > is to ask, are LMDK7.2 applications even compatible with the newer
> > glibc-2.2?)
> >
> > 2) Would the better approach be to grab the current bind tar ball source
> > off of the bind page, and do my own compile and install? Would this
> > approach even work on a LMDK 7.2 platform?
> >
> > Come to think of it, what is the best way to upgrade glibc files on
> > Linux? Thanks so much for your patience in this matter, and any insight
> > will be most appreciated......
> >
> > Craig Woods
> >
> > -------------------------------------------------------
> > Well,
> >
> > Since I didn't get much of a response on this isssue, I'll try another
> > approach. Would someone kindly point me in the direction for obtaining
> > some documentation on why you would prefer a "src.rpm" file as opposed to
> > a standard ".rpm" file, and what is it that you do to a "src.rpm" file. I
> > have looked high and low, and found a plethora of info on building rpms
> > but not much on working with src.rpms.
> >
> > It may come as a surprise to many of the linux users but, after over ten
> > years as a SA (AIX, solaris, HP), I have seldom used rpms (asseverated
> > with "tongue in cheek").
> >
> > As always, all assistance is appreciated.
> >
> > Craig Woods
> OK  there is a way to do it, I think, at least a few claim to have
> upgraded
> libraries successfully.   RH had the same problem several months before
> us
> and posted something or its users posted something.  Check the archives
> or
> search on  Both have the links.
> We changed library naming policies in 8.0 so this would never plague us
> again.
> If you DL the SRPM for bind from a Mandrake site, it should(tm) work on
> 7.2
> with little more than an rpm -ivh (the srpm name) followed by
> rpm --rebuild (srpm name)
> unless someone did a %BuildRequires on glibc 2.2 and later.
> Civileme

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